Acting by the guidelines of the European Union for Defenders of Human Rights, PAS recognizes social organizations from urban and rural communities as collective defenders of civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights. PAS proposes to build a protection approach from the base that safeguards their existence as social subjects, protect its space of action and promote their secure permanence in their territories.
PAS, in permanent dialogue with its partners and their experiences, promotes reflection, systematization, the exchange of experiences, learning and the construction of knowledge.
Conceptually this approach:
Is aimed at restoring the security of the people and their organizational forms, their welfare and the free exercise of their rights.
Does not admit incongruence between the security of the State and the security of people and communities, on the contrary, it embraces its complementarity and promotes it.
Recognizes protection as a duty of the State in which other States and international organizations collaborate.
Supports the permanence of the social subject in its own territory and its expansion through networking with other subjects.
Methodologically this approach:
Defines and implements strategies and protection mechanisms in the same vital space where the risks are manifested with the full participation of the affected social subjects.
Aims for more collective, contextual, and relational protection strategies that respond to both the threats and the risk factors that generate them.
Properly combines protection and self-protection.
Promotes the practice of self-protection within organizations and communities.
Contributes to the strengthening and autonomy of organizations and communities.